Scaura Cardigan Welsh Corgis
Scaura Cardigan Welsh Corgis

Scaura Cardi Boys

Scaura Cardi Girls

French Bulldogs

All Pets Professional Pet Sitting

Extended Cardi Family

Cardigan Information and FAQ

Litter Announcements

Cartoon Litter


Past Litters

Our Family

Dominic Riley

Dominic's First Birthday


Abby's Page

Dominic's Page


The picture on the left is of Ch. Coedwig's Solar Flare drawn by Holly Leach. Make sure to refresh each page to see the updates by pressing the "F5" key on your keyboard.

We have an adult red male available to a great home.  Please contact us for details about Sid.

Welcome to our home on the Web

We are Laura and Scott Blanton and have been actively involved with Cardigans since 1997. Our dogs are shown owner/handled in conformation and are also training in Obedience, Agility and Herding.

Our dogs are our pets that just happen to be show dogs. All of our dogs live in the house as members of our family. They are all well socialized and accustom to constant commotion. The Cardis here at Scaura are known for their outgoing personality and wonderful temperaments.

We hope that your enjoy our site!

We are members of...

The Cardigan Welsh Corgi Club of America and South Central Cardigan Club.

All Pets Professional Pet Sitting

We believe that if people breed, they should also do everything they can to help place Cardigans who need new families, no matter who bred the dog. Rescued Cardigans are rare but some do become available from time to time. Please contact us if you are interested in a rescue dog and we may be able to direct you to someone who may have one available.

Paige and Cosmo 


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